Lemar Corange

Lemar Corange “The only permanent thing is change” says Marc Huri “I used to swear only by the city back in the days I lived in New York or Paris and now you can’t take me out of the countryside where I have been living for close to 10 years” Ever-changing and becoming, Marc’s latest

Poison Gauchiste

Poison Gauchiste Derrière ce pseudo un chouïa provocateur (emprunté à une splendide couverture de Valeurs Actuelles), se cache Eric Labbé, un activiste de la scène club et de la nuit parisienne depuis une quinzaine d'années. Connu comme une figure politique du « fight for your right to party » mais aussi comme ancien disquaire, organisateur et DJ, peu de


Eftersom On one side there is Anna - aka Ravage Sentimental - singing with her crystal-clear voice. On the other side there is Jérôme, who composes groovy rhythms and electric melodies. After living together for 10 years, and despite the distance and their different lives today, music is the indelible bond that leads to their

Radial Gaze

Radial Gaze If you want to learn how from the poison оf hymalayan snake, a broken javanese pipe and two drops of super glue to syntesize a hadron collider sound level, we published a clear practical audio guide here. Tune your ears! Radial Gaze is an electronic-oriented project of two brothers from St. Petersburg. In

Ravage Sentimental

Ravage Sentimental Anna Masurel aka Ravage Sentimental grew up with rave parties, surrounded by famous DJs, since her brother is none other than Miloch, this giant of French techno from the 90s. She lives in France, but remains very attached to Sweden, her second country of origin; a privileged place of rejuvenation, purification by nature

Moderne Romance

Moderne Romance Passionate about guitar since his teenage years and influenced by guitarists like Jamie Hince. Dan Auerbach and Jack White, his music oscillates between garage rock, surf music and delta blues. Installed in Biarritz near the ocean where he flourished as a tattoo artist his second great passion. >> Visit Moderne Romance

Psycho Weazel

Psycho Weazel The story of Psycho Weazel is that of a musical thunderbolt between two sensitive guys. Two teenagers who discover themselves by comparing their playlists in summer camp and who decide to share their dreams. Since then they have come a long way. By dint of obstinacy and work, they manage to radiate from


LuLúxpo Since more than 20 years, Loulou and Pollux are LuLúxpo: an inseparable and singular couple that looks like two characters who escaped from an interstellar comic-strip. LuLúxpo is therefore a fusion of two multidisciplinary artists. The duo of contemporary visual artists is influenced by pop-art and fashion. Together, they perform as electro DJs who
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